Nuriko comes from the anime Fushigi Yugi. He is one of the Suzaku Seven, Celestial Warriors gifted with special powers to protect the Priestess of Suzaku. The Warriors are named for the Seven constellations in the southern sky, and they also carry symbols on their bodies that glow red when they are using their powers. Nuriko has the symbol for "Willow" on his chest just under his left collarbone, and he was gifted with superhuman strength. Taiitsukun gave him bracelets that transform into armbands and increase his strength. Nuriko had just found the cave where the Genbu Shinzaho was located when Ashtare found him and was about to attack when Nuriko was pulled through a vortex into a strange and foreign land.
Nuriko is played by Anne and is PB'ed by Miyavi. His journal is suzakusstrength.
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