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Page history last edited by Sage 11 years, 6 months ago

Hey there, I'm Sage. I'm a 30 year old meat popsicle with a couple of spawnlings and a husband. Mostly, I'll spend whatever free time I have on the net, so if you want to do some RP, just ping me. I'm usually available. Do be warned - I will talk to you about music. And possibly be a bad influence.

Stuff I do? Anything goes, though I'm pretty crap with playing girls, so I don't. I play generally happy dudes, of the OC variety, though I can be persuaded into fandom critters. I don't really smut much unless it's with someone I feel comfortable writing with.



Contact Info

AIM: a1000cuts

Email: curiouslyhigh[at]gmail[dot]com

Tumblr: curiouslyhigh.tumblr.com


Current Characters




  • Andivad - He's the heir apparent to the throne in the Goblin Kingdom. He's definitely his parents' kid. 
  • Artan Stillman - He's a Thief-y tattoo artist who stole Trent Reznor's life before NIN got retired, and Trent Reznor lost his neck.
  • Bill Turner - a vampirate with a library of the arcane, and a penchant for flirting.
  • Marceline - A vampire who's good with a bass, and good with an ax, and good with an ax-bass. 
  • Ronan Stillman - Artan and Petit's srsfaise kiddo who isn't so serious, actually.
  • Teja Wartooth - A young bartender with crazy doo-dah hair and a lot of prior selves to try and not be like.



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